Yippie-Ki-Yay MotherF*cker!

Well it was only a matter of time before it happened. If I'm honest, I thought that I had more time. But alas, I am now completely batsh*t crazy.

I'm sat here in a dark house with a water pistol waiting for the grey and white neighbourhood cat to turn up. How did I get here?

1. There are no lights on because it's Earth Hour. It's a massive global environmental event, where 158 countries will turn their lights off for one hour to help make change happen and to remind us that sometimes it's the small things that can make a difference. So that's a pretty normal thing to do ( I did it last year too).

2. Wesley is being terrorised by one of the neighbourhood cats; a grey and white fiend. Said fiend sits outside our house staring at poor Wes trying to intimidate him. He waits outside the catflap to attack Wes when he comes out, and the other day, he was actually inside the house preventing Wes from coming in. Until I came home that is.

Wesley has not been himself because of it, he's been off his food, antisocial and constantly on edge - so he's not been sleeping. I've been worried about him.

Now you all know I love cats, but I'm also fiercely protective of my boy. I chased the fiend away this morning and enough is enough. I bought a water pistol today. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to hurt it, but I won't let him hurt my Wesley.

Hence full blown crazy cat lady. It really was only a matter of time.

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