my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

want more

Productive day despite spending only half of it actually at work.
Left work at lunchtime for a midwife appointment then back to the flat to "work from home". You wouldn't've thought it would be possible given what I do as a job to work from home, but I managed to fill the time and then some. Before I finish up on Friday, I need to get this project finished - a music book to go with the instruments we make in the workshop. This means learning a new computer programme and reminding myself how musical notation works...

Working from home also meant being able to finally receive delivery of our cot after much pestering. I also managed to squeeze in a chat with Tante Anneke in Amsterdam before heading down to the club for the final ten pin game of the season.
I was there in a supporting capacity of course! 6 points, finishing, I think, in 5th place out of ten. Not bad.
Everyone at the club was being really sweet. I'll probably not see any of them again 'til I'm a mammy.

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