
My silly boyfriend has a vintage Hasselblad that Mary Caroline is playing around with here. It's just beautiful - it really is. Clean lines, beautiful design. Michael took his first photo with it this afternoon (after we figured out how his light meter worked). I also took my first photo with my Mamiya shortly afterwards... after it took me a week to open the back and load film (I couldn't figure out how to open it). I finally took the time to download the manual and uncover the "secrets" of basic operations of that little guy.
I overpaid for 120 film (jerks) that expired two years ago (DOUBLE JERKS). So I will henceforth be ordering my film or going to Houston (or Orange) to get it.
Killer headache is forcing me to go lie down - finally. I felt like I never really woke up from this morning. Is it really Monday? When is my day off again? Crap. I never got one.

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