
By Veronica

Blip train

When we were in Valencia, I mentioned that S had bought me a present that I would save for a slow blip day. Well, this is that day. Nearly all the street stalls at the Fallas were being run by South Americans -- these ones had their wares on a blanket on the ground. "What a shame we don't know any small children!" I said when I saw what they were selling. S took pity and bought me one of my very own, so we joined in rummaging through the letters to find the right ones. It's so cute :)

Apart from that, I would like to urge you all to read Catherine O'Flynn's Mr Lynch's Holiday. It should be shortlisted for the Booker -- the best book I've read so far this year. I'm doing a lot of reading here, because there's not that much else to do in the evenings!

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