Space Ship

About to head out to my brother Dave and Nora's for dinner. Friend Rick and Judy will be there. Makes me happy. I'm taking my new photo book that arrived today. It's Dave's birthday present a bit after the day.

This is a mystery object that looks quite like a space ship taking off from this angle.

Hope I get more time to comment this evening. I've been pretty awful lately and I do miss sharing comments and photos with you. Hopefully things will mellow soon. Thanks for hanging in!

Late night update: Just thought I'd clarify what this is. It is a small green depression glass ash tray, about four inches by two inches. The sun is hitting it and making the bright shapes that look like flames below it. I fiddled a bit and desaturated it a bit. The original photo is much greener. I also added poster edges to get the grungy look.

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