
The time is approaching when we celebrate the pagan festival of Ēostre (or Ostara). I do not see anything in this display which would remind us of the similarly named Christian festival of Easter, so it must be Ēostre we are celebrating.

How celebrating a German goddess leads us to bunnies, eggs and fluffy yellow chickens may not be entirely clear without further research, though the connection with Spring is fairly obvious. When we had a poultry farm the chickens were delivered when they were roughly a day old. At that stage in their life they are even cuter than most representations of them. We did have to be careful where we put our feet.

Today I used my final coupon for the free coffee and a cake, or fruit tart in my case. Hopefully I will receive a fresh supply of coupons. I was concerned to observe the fruit tarts seem to have shrunk since the last time I had one. Again strawberry tarts were not in evidence.

Still cloudy and cold. If this is Spring, when will it get brighter and warmer?

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