My Angle

By myangle

Garage Tidy Up

My brother-in-law is somewhat nomadic and over the years he has used our garage as a place to store his stuff. It is always temporary and yet somehow ends up there for years.

This time there is more stuff because most of it is from Dad's place. By default it sort of became Andy's and was only supposed to stay with us until he got a place of his own. Well that isn't looking like happening anytime soon so I have come up with a plan. I am going to pile it all up agains the back wall of my garage and then put my tool shelves in front of it. That way I don't have to clamber over fridges and the like to find a hammer or saw.

This might sound like a moan but it isn't. I am of good cheer. When it is all sorted it will be out of sight and I should be able to fit my boat, and Monster in the garage together.

The job didn't get finished tonight. It is waaaaay too hot, even after dark. I might do it in chunks over the next week or so.

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