Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

The Shooter

catching up on some blips...

Andy, the master photographer in the family is lining up one of his patented landscape shots.  At least until his annoying big sister jumped in front of him to take his picture while he was taking his picture.


Snap.  Then run!  HA!  

It's always fun to annoy your brothers.

This was the last day they were here to visit.  He rode up to Phoenix with John and Lore' to pick up his car for the long drive back to Reno.  John would fly back to work in Albuqurque, while Lore' would stay there to oversee renovations at their second home.

Frank and Colleen are flying back east in the morning.

It's back to life here in Green Valley for mom and me.  We're going to miss them immensely.  Mom grinned ear-to-ear while they were here.  

EDIT:  I removed the last line which made the write up seem very sad for my mother. In reality, last week will afford her great memories for the rest of her life.

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