Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Bundled Beeches

What a surprising morning. I woke up to mist and persistent light rain. Normally this would be enough to send me back inside. Instead I headed out to Shoal Common before work to (hopefully) capture some images.

Conditions were not ideal for photography ans the camera and lens was soon covered in fine water droplets. I concentrated on keeping the 'mizzle' of the front element using a Lee Hood as protection. It still wasn't easy and I had to check the glass regularly and wipe clean.

These trees are beeches which, when planted, were composed of a number of bundled together saplings. A small informatory plaque suggested that they were originally planted this way to achieve a greater rate of growth and provide a better view from the nearby Hatherton Hall. What was even more surprising was how quickly this mist and rain dissipated. In less than 15 minutes the conditions had gone from this to being completely clear.

When I got to the office I had a message from the local radio station asking for an interview about Lovers of Light. They wanted to interview me at about 11:40 am. A bit awkward really as I had to inspect a local brickworks and would be there at that time. Anyway, I asked the works manager if he minded and he was very accomodating. I let some people know of the interview and at the appointed time received a call from the resarcher only to be told that they didn't have time to carry out the interview. Ah well, there goes my 15 (actually about 2) minutes of fame!

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