Boat Shenanigans

As it was chucking it down, I spliced my second soft eye thing in the morning but as it started brightening after midday, I cycled off down to the boat to make a start on the anti-fouling. The place was a hive of activity. Elderly men up ladders everywhere. Beside me, John was painting away oblivious to the paint over his hair. Steve and his mate were busily getting an outboard fitted. Next to me on the other side, Charlie and his posh mate were working wonders on his stern gland. It'll be so boring once they're in the water.
So, home to spruce up. An evening at the Plumed Horse is planned; a place I've never been to. I think that once that matching wines are taken into account I'll need to work for a few more months. Right, off to get the cufflinks on!

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