Vic and Darren (+2)

By vicanddarren


What else can I say... ;-)

This has taken four years. After eighteen months of trying (and failing) including lots of sticks peed on we went to see the GP. Turned out I had a Varicocele, basically to put it crudely I was not firing on all cylinders. Being told it could be six months before that was sorted we decided to pay for a round of IVF, to be specific ICSI. That round failed and in the meantime I had an operation to get fixed. This resulted in me improving leaps and bounds in the little soldier department.

So, we went back to the GP and he put us through for a cycle on the NHS. Result was fourteen fertilised (with three grown to blastocycst) eggs. Two implanted and are now wiggling like hell.

Time to change the name of our blip.

Darren (and Vic asleep on the sofa) +2

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