Garden companions

It's still very grey in Edinburgh. Happily we have some colour in our garden.

Exercise today: Recently I have been treating Saturday as my day off exercise. Today, however, I wanted to see how quickly I could run one of my "old" routes. Mr hazelh looked up my PB for the St Mark's route and was doubtful that I would match my PB of 16th April 2012. I was determined to prove him wrong. Imagine how cross I was to run the route one second slower than the PB! Things got worse when I stood on the scales and discovered that my weight has crossed into the next "zone", i.e. I weigh "x stone, 0 pounds".

In happier news I spent this afternoon finishing off a journal article that I have been writing on and off for the past 4 months or so. It's now with the journal editor and, I hope, will soon be sent off for refereeing.

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