
By wheriam

as far as the eye can see


Went over to J&P's today to load my wee jazz with packing boxes. Don't know when our house will be repaired, but we have been told that possibly it will be in the third quarter of this year. Because of our busy lifestyle, and our travel, I don't want a last minute panic to pack.

J&P have moved twice in the past couple of years so have an abundant supply of boxes in their attic, and they may as well be at our place so when the mood grabs me I can start to empty the (significant number of!!) cupboards and spare rooms in our house.

Some things will be kept, or will go to our bach, but many things will go to the Salvation Army, the City Mission, the recycling plant, or the rubbish dump.

WARNING TO MY BOYS - let me know what treasures you want kept (if you have any here) as I could be very ruthless!!! Whenever we move to a smaller home a lot of the 'stuff' in this house will not be coming with us.

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