Down wit' da kids!

We took Maddy, Aimee, Johnny and Jack through to Glasgow tonight. They were off to see Paramore. Taking Johnny and Jack meant Roz and I didn't have to sit through it, we just dropped them off.

After dropping them off we took a wander up to Mother India for dinner. Since there's a Mother India Cafe in Edinburgh we decided to go for teh original one rather than the Glasgow cafe. Very good it was too.

The tinming was perfect asd well, by the time we'd paid our bill it was about five past ten so we had a wee wander back down to the SECC and got there in time for the encore.

While Roz waited for them I nipped round the back on the basis that the band would probably make a sharp exit right after the last song and I'd get some photos for Maddy. Unfortunately that didn't happen. I waited a wee bit and then after a five minute argument with one of the security guards, who was trying to get all the kids who were waiting to stand outside the barrier on what was effectively a main road with no pavement, I felt far too dad-ish and decided to head back to the car. The guy was out of order though, it was a foggy cold night and all it would have taken was one card skidding to take out a spate of kids. The guy refused to give me his name so I got his number and will be duly reporting him.

Anyway I did manage to get a shot of Matt, who's the bassist for You me at six, the support act, who Maddy was pretty excited about seeing too. I would have had no idea who he was but thankfully there were some teenagers next to me who recognised him.

In true dad fashion I left with the impression that he was a nice and polite young man... christ I feel old!

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