Snow Down Under

By snowy


Thank you to all you wonderful blippers out there - I've hit the SPOTLIGHT ! My very first - it feels like an accolade; I'm tickled pink.

Look what I found growing through the heathers this morning ? An Iris (flowering in the Autumn !) I love iris but usually the tall bearded kind. In my early married days I went overboard with Iris & had them flowering every-where, & all the different varieties.

I don't usually 'blow my trumpet' but I can tell you I was President of the N. Z. Iris Society for three years; surely that tells you how devoted I was to them; & in that period attended Conventions in Sydney & Boston. All that happened when I lived in the hot, dry Lindis, but here in Wanaka they don't flower so well. Gardening is all about growing the things that do well in your particular area. I love carnations but can't grow them here.

Thank you again all you kind people. As we use to say on the farm "may the sun shine on your fowl house & your hens lay golden eggs". I love you all.

P. S. I must have been on Spotlight for 5 minutes, because now I'm off. The ignominy of it ! SHAME !

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