
Nothing to see here... slow day (at least it was for the canine +1).

I buckled a few weeks ago and got a smaller camera to drag around for day to day use; the DSLR is still being used but I got a bit fed up with the weight of the lenses and general bulk. As a die-hard Pentax fan I was kind of tempted by the MX-1 but wanted something with a bigger sensor (I know, probably pointless and in reality the quality of image generated by any camera these days is very impressive). The X100s is lovely but too expensive for me; the X-series Fuji cameras are also very nice but the lenses are stupidly expensive; the Ricoh GR is brilliant but again possibly too expensive for a fixed focal length camera in case I couldn't get on with a non-zoom; ...

Then I discovered an amazing deal on the EOS-M with 22mm lens (check out slrhut if you're interested). Lots of reviews basically slating the camera for slow focus speed - but a firmware upgrade apparently improved this but for the same price as an MX-1 I get the guts of a 550D with an APS-C sensor and a stupidly sharp lens with a nice compact form. It seemed worth a punt. And it was: lovely build quality, great images and a touchscreen! Yes, the focus is slow but I can live with it. After all, shouldn't there be some skill involved in taking photographs?

The major downside: it's really not Linux friendly... must try and remedy that.

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