
By briocarioca

Rain, bougainvillea and cobwebs

Heavy and much-needed rain started yesterday evening and looks like carrying on all day. We took the longer route back to Rio for fear of rocks dropping on the road on the usual one. This involved hundreds of curves, rain and thick mist, so probably wasn’t the best choice, and we saw three serious accidents, presumably caused by idiots ignoring those aspects. We were in a hurry too, to get HH to the airport for a flight to São Paulo. In spite of heavy traffic nearer Rio, he got there in time – to find the airport closed and about to reopen. The queues to rebook were phenomenal, so he wound up coming home, three hours later. A lawyer booked on the same flight for the same meeting spent six hours at the airport and still didn’t get on. In some countries, it takes a blizzard or serious flooding to close an airport, but here…..

After seeing HH off, I took the Metro downtown to Saara – a very damp desert today. The sewing lady’s due tomorrow so needed cushion material etc. Dropped in to the snack bar run by the three Chinese girls, and found them still happy and smiling. Took another shot, but the bougainvillea wins out.

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