The trees

In the middle of George Square in Edinburgh there are three trees growing together and forming a bit of a canopy. Back when I was in my teens myself and some friends used to spend many summer days up in those trees.

If you climbed the one which has a branch starting on the left of the photo you could then walk up and along the branch you could see here and, from there switch onto the other branch in this photo to get into the second tree which was unclimbable from the ground. there was a great wee bit up off another branch in that tree where five or sic people could sit relatively comfortably.

I'd always thought I'd like to spend some time up in that tree again and get a blip from up there. I went of a look today, but of course the last time I was up there was over twenty years ago. Back then I was about seven or eight stone lighter and the tree looked an awful lot sturdier.

In the end I gave it a miss today and just grabbed this photo from the ground.

Lovely day for being out taking photos of trees though.

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