
Is this fish..I went deep sea fishing today I scuba dived
or self contained underwater breathing apparatus.......
I held my breath for 15 days 4 hours 2 minutes and 1
second..I met in with a killer shark which I fought with
I had a harpoon in one hand a large sharp dagger between
my teeth, the killer shark took one look at me and he was
petrified and scarpered off with his fins between his eeerm
belly.. I was bold and daring I felt dynamic and valient and
gutsy spunky ballsy and feisty..I came home and had to have
a wee nap, I might do it again tomorrow because thats just
what Im like... I just go for it...big time...
Don't ya just hate these folk that exaggerate
The End
Hope you all have had a good day :-)))x

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