
By McZoo

1st Anniversary

Today we celebrate the one year anniversary of our marriage. Yay! Our first year hasn't been all smooth sailing (not that I think everyone has a blissful first year of marriage). Marriage is hard work. We lived together for over a year before we said our vows, so I never felt like our day to day life really changed. However, that doesn't mean that there haven't been some really rough moments. Everyone always asks how long you've been married and says things like "Aww.... you're newlyweds. You must still be in the honeymoon phase." There were definitely some days when it took all the control I have to smile and nod to those comments. I guess what I'm getting at is it feels like a big accomplishment to look back on all that we have been through and still be able to say honestly and without reservation "I love this man." Reaffirms that we chose well when we decided that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

We decided to follow the traditional list of wedding gifts by year. The first year was paper. We both struggled with this for a bit. I'm proud of the fact that I decided on my gift for him first (he is usually much better at this stuff). He wrote a poem for me in the four languages of my ancestry and had it printed on vellum. I'm sure there'll be a picture of it when we get it framed. It was very sweet and took a lot of work on his part. I took the easy way out (lol) and bought theater tickets to go see Wicked at the Majestic in San Antonio. We'll be framing a photo, the tickets and the playbill.

The play was absolutely amazing (my second time watching it and his first)! Neither of us had read the book. If you haven't seen it you really should. As always, I love the costumes but with this play the witty dialogue is really something.

After the play we went out to dinner at Bliss. It is a lovely location. I really wish I had taken some pictures when we first got there and the sun was still out, but alas I did not. Excellent food. I don't think either of us had something we didn't enjoy. Menu included: appetizer plate with meats, cheeses, olives, and honeycomb; oyster sliders; chicken fried Bandera quail with candied pork belly and an amazing sauce; duck and duck foie gras; the best key lime pie served in a prickly pear tuna and serrano pepper sauce; custard and berries; and a deliriously sweet and refreshing moscato. And of course when we got to the hotel we had a little bit of our wedding cake for tradition's sake. It kept amazingly well thanks to my awesome, super chef cousin.

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