Just Starting to Move In

I was going to take a short walk down Victoria Street but as soon as I go outside the door the rain started to come down. Ended up by just going to the corner and turned back and come home again.

They are predicting a lot of rain in the next 24 hours and because of that there could be a lot of flooding again in Christchurch. We have broken the record for no sunshine for the months of March and April and April isn't even finished. Also are heading to brake the record on the most rain ever!

I see the Rabobank has just started to move into their new building on the top floor, not opened to the public yet. Still a lot of work to be done yet before it is all finished. I have blipped this building a few times and it has been interesting seeing the progress. Here a blip I did with the piles coming in. And here is other shot I took on Flickr pouring concrete. This one is the putting up the framing. Another one doing the fountains. And other one.

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