Baby riding a car

Playgroup with T (and C), A, R, S (and A) and I, T and S, the twins and D. Here's Baby with R's mummy having his first ride on a sit-on car. S's baby A brought christening cake to supplement the usual biscuits. Afterwards we went with them to play at the playpark.
In the afternoon we went to the Botanics. I enjoyed looking at everything but Mummy kept rushing me. Eventually we met up with S (again) and I and her baby G and their mummies at the cafe. Mummy didn't want me to play inside the cafe when we went in for nappies, but then when I found some older kids to follow just out of sight, she didn't like that either. You just can't win! I settled for leading S and I out of sight and them after they left, running away from Mummy on the way home. I have to keep her on her toes!

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