Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Stepping out for the girls

I'm half way through my business trip, which means there's only five days to go until I see Nikki and the wee man again. It sounds like they need me too, as they're being attacked by tiny mice!

"Eeeeek, we have a tiny mouse in our bedroom!!! It's quite cute (tiny wee thing) but still, I don't really fancy having one in our room! I saw it run back and forth from under our wardrobe to under our bed! I promise I haven't been leaving any crumbs in our room!!

Ernie was so lovely tonight. Very very affectionate and lots of fun. We've been giggling ourselves silly saying 'quaaacccckkkkkk' like the duck has a pack a day habit. Ernie was getting really good at it, was cracking me up laughing. He said nigh-nigh and bye-bye again when I finally got him to bed (he was full of beans). Also, this seemed really amazing - but I swear that, as I was counting the poppers on Ernie's pyjamas tonight (as I was popping them together), after I said '7', he said '8'. Was so cool.

Have to tell ya that Lynnie also said he took a few steps on his own while out with her today. She said that he was pushing his stroller and then he saw a pretty girl on a slide and so suddenly let go of the stroller and took a few steps over to the slide and sat down. Typical dude - will show off for a pretty girl but not for his mum and dad. He hasn't done any steps for me while you've been gone.

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