11:52 pm

7:15 am: Wonder what I'll take today?
8:00 am: Work. And we still seem to be in panic mode. It would be hard to take a picture of the goalposts moving. And too busy.
9:30 am: A meeting for which I am the only person in the room. It's restful. I am tempted to stay. Could take a selfie, as an illustration of the inconsequential nature of existence. But don't.
11:30 am: Argue against a suggestion that we should change Everything. And Immediately. Not really a photo op.
12:3o pm: 5 a side football. Healthy venting of frustrations. And, I realise now, a picture of us setting up the goalposts could have been an amusing illustration of the metaphorically moving goalposts from earlier. But I didn't think of it.
2:00 pm: Home to slurp some soup and rendezvous with C for the drive to Lincolnshire to visit her Mother for her 89th birthday. Pick up the proper camera.
4:30 pm: We should be there now but we were stuck behind a succession of lorries and tractors. No photo.
5:30 pm: Eating sandwiches and birthday cake. Use the proper camera to take a picture of C and her Mother with candled cake. Hmm...
6:30 pm: Start 2nd leg of journey to pick up M from student digs in Nottingham. In too much of a rush to stop and take pictures.
7:50 pm: A touching Mother and Child Reunion would have made a nice picture...
8:15 pm: The sunset behind the power station would be good. But they refuse to line up properly and I am driving anyway...
9:30 pm: Home. Cheese, biscuits and Shetland. Still no picture.
11:50 pm: Bed.
11:52 pm: C wanders into bedroom and into shot.

I knew something would turn up.

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