Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Summer's Here

OK its only Easter and the wind is still cold, but there are lots of signs that Summer is on its way. The weather just has to be the biggest influence after such a long, wet and windy winter, and today was just perfect. Wall to wall blue skies all day and some real warmth in the sun. Just wonderful.

To make things even better some of our Summer visitors have arrived after spending their Winter holidays in warmer climes. The Sand Martins arrived a couple of weeks ago and were spotted in their favourite haunt near the river at Rhonadale. Then I saw my first Swallow a couple of days ago near Southend. It was such a delight to see them flitting about after their long journey from South Africa. On my visit to the baker's shop this morning I could hear a pair of them twittering away on the telephone lines behind the shop. This one kindly sat around long enough to be blipped. Swallows against a bright blue sky......Summer must be here!

As I sit typing upstairs with the window open I can hear a pair of Sandpipers on the nearby river. I noticed them this morning while out for my run to the beach and it really lifted the spirits. I just love the Summer sounds of the countryside which are the perfect music to the ear after such a miserable Winter!

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