Gifts of Grace

By grace

One twentieth

Maybe 0ne twentieth of two thousand trees of twenty one naive species - maple, alder, birch, hazel, hawthorn, spindle, holly, crabapple, aspen, cherry, oak, willow, elder, whitebeam, rowan, service, yew, lime…

Planted by a friend. Definitely a 'not in our lifetime' project, 'though hopefully he'll get the thinnings for firewood in a year or two. Made me think of the Martin Luther quote "Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree."

I'm home now (Easter Sunday), not yet settled, with two thoughts:
I might never go away from home again until the writing's finished
once it's finished I might just sell everything, cut loose and see where the winds of travel take me.

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