View through the window

The level of the River Itchen has finally gone down enough for the water wheel at Winchester City Mill to be fixed.

As the mill has been closed for many months, the levels of flour stocks were nil.

Mr F and I went in an hour early today to make as much as we could. I've packed 48 1.5 kg bags and 5 5kg bags.

While I packed I watched all of the small children coming into the mill with their parents and helped some of them to do the Easter trail.

I remember the days when we used to take our two to National Trust properties, so that they could win an Easter egg. I think that Mr F and I usually enjoyed it more.

This is the view through the window as I packed. Go large and you might be able to see the rain droplets.

This afternoon I've made a fruit cake and left it out to cool. Murphy decided to taste it and has since been sick!!!! Hopefully no reflection on my baking.

I hope that you all had a great day.

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