Easter Sunday

The Little Misses have been getting so excited about Easter. They haven't had any encouragement from me - I must confess to having a bit of a mental block about Easter!
But they were very excited and bounded into our room this morning shouting Happy Easter!!
I had remembered to buy Easter eggs for them - a three pack of Disney Princess Kinder eggs each two for £3. Bargain!!!! and hid them quickly round the house while they were eating breakfast.
They were perfect: small which worked for me, made of chocolate and full of Disney Princesses which worked for the Little Misses!
The day then got a bit less celebratory - lawn mowing and tidying!
Miss L did help me make venison ragu which she was very excited about. Proper grown up cooking. She cried cutting the onions and got very confused!
We went over to Nana and Papa's house at about 3pm and had the annual Easter egg hunt. Far more impressive and exciting than my pathetic effort! My mum writes clues and then the Little Misses search the house and garden for the hidden eggs. Helped by Miss M who was there with Mrs L, Mr B and Cousin T. They loved it!
I loved the sandwiches, hot cross buns and simnel cake which I stuffed down my face as if I hadn't eaten for ten years.
Perhaps not such a good week at Fat Club this week!!
But it was a lovely family afternoon and the sandwiches and cake were bloody tasty so who cares?!

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