
By dunkyc


Following a busy Bank Holiday weekend schedule....well, by our standards anyway, we'd chosen to keep Monday completely free so we could potter about at home.

M'boy is a little under the weather at the minute with a nasty bout of croup - basically a very dry, barking cough. He didn't know what to do with himself, so we sat and watched Cars 2 for a bit until he got bored.

To give Hutch a bit of peace and quiet, I took him off for a nice long stroll about town and - unsupervised - bought myself a casual shirt that on showing wasn't met with revulsion, laughter or pointing and shaking of heads. Result.

The rest of the day was spent mostly playing in the garden, collecting golf balls in this little car and bouncing them down the garden path. The only slight irk being that Hutch's car alarm keeps going off at random intervals. I did the manly thing and pulled the alarm sensor from the roof of the car. It seems to have worked.

I went for this picture as the face on the front was a little evocative of the cars in Cars 2.

All in all, a very fine end to a fantastic weekend.

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