
By Kaeyla

I want . . .

There is a lonnngg story attached to why this image is up here today.
It has to do with possible fraud on my credit card.
Which means a new one.
Which means, while we wait, no online banking, which in turn meant that the electricity bill had to be paid at the post office.
Post Office lady was on the phone and not available for 10 minutes.
Which meant that I ended up at the second-hand shop across the street, where I fell deeply and terminally in love with this armchair.
Unfortunately though, not with the price.
Was finally allowed to take a picture of its arm, complete with tatters but that, sadly, will have to be the extent of the affair.
Not even sure (if I could afford it) that I would do anything about re-covering it.

(Do you think that the anaesthetic from the dentist this morning maybe had anything to do with this?).

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