Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Bert and The Butcher

After work I popped into The Country Store in Sawston and bought Bertie a retractable lead. He loves to go for a walk but, unless he's on the lead, he wanders off with whoever happens to go past. His current lead is quite short which means he doesn't get much freedom when we're out and about.

After dinner we took the dogs over to Camping Close and bumped into the whole of the Ashcroft clan who locals will recognise as our village butchers.

The Ashcrofts were out with their 3 Jack Russell's who kept Bertie busy while Molly joined in with a family game of Frisbee. As he was very well entertained and distracted, Bertie was allowed off the lead and had a great time getting to know his neighbours.

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