7 months old

I seem to say it every month, but where is the time going? I cannot believe I am mummy to a 7 month old!

Despite having had this cough and cold for a week now she is being so good. She has woken at 1am the last 4 nights which is a bit of a shock to the system, but we are giving her a bottle to get her back off to make sure her fluids are topped up - hopefully this won't create a pattern for a 1 am feed when she is better!

She is an absolute pleasure......it amazes me we created this little bundle of joy. But, the down side of her getting older is the prospect of returning to work comes nearer.......I didn't think I would not want to return but as it gets nearer I am relishing the prospect less and less.

She seems to want to bypass crawling and prefers to be standing, pulling herself up and walking holding our hands instead! her legs are so teeny, it amazes me she can hold herself up!

Mum is up later today as we need her to baby sit for us tomorrow night. We spent yesterday being snotty together so I had a rare gap in my journal - apologies for my lack of commenting but I will get back on it soon hopefully

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