Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

A selfie of sorts at Bar Beach

I have just lost what I had typed (operator error) so rather than do it all again suffice it to say it was a glorious day today 29C, water temp is 22C and there were lots of early morning swimmers and surfers at Bar Beach including two dolphins. There was not much surf and plenty of weed. The sea kind not the smoking kind, washed up from the recent high seas.

The selfie of sorts is my shadow cast as the sun was rising golden at the time this was taken behind me. That is not a hump by the way but my backpack.

Anzac day tomorrow. I am going to the march but not the dawn service even though rain is predicted. You will be able to guess what my blip will be. Oh and my camera kit is heading up the M1 as I type this. Yay!!!!

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