Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Toot Toot!

Unbelievable: our car passed it's MOT. Not complaining of course, just supprised that's all. On the down side, 5-a-side was arranged after work only for four of us to turn up: how can rain stop a game of footy??!! We waited long enough. No show. A bit gutted as my chest has prevented me from playing for the last few weeks and also wanted to play instead of going for a run (footy is more fun than than a run). So off I headed home on my bike (longer detour of course), all drenched.

Tuttle Jnr P, Spent some more birthday dosh today and, yes you've guessed it, Monopoly (the Wii version). He bought some books, DVDs and more pens 'n' pencils. Tomorrows forecast is rain, so no guesses what we'll be doing tomorrow.....

This all meant chippy* tea for the Tuttles............Toot Toot!!!!

*taken in our chippy while P & I were waiting

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