At Oakdale Cemetery

This morning Gina and I went on an quick tour of Wilmington's oldest cemetery. Other than a brief drive-thru many years ago, this was our first visit. It is beautiful this time - the Magnolias, the Live Oak trees with dangling Spanish Moss, and of course the signature azaleas.

Beethoven isn't buried here, nor is George Washington or Picasso. The news guy David Brinkley is, and so is Ruth Shaw, the teacher who developed finger painting, and a very interesting woman she was.

Here is Shaw's grave and a few other images from this burial ground.

On another note, kd has mailed me Take a Picture of a Stranger Camera #9. I'm excited to do this again and that a new camera has been made available to replace the original camera #9. I guess this is Camera #9A. Now… to find another stranger, and not in this cemetery!

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