Capital adventures

By marchmont

Lest We Forget

Today was always going to be hard. An early start, 8 a.m., for the almost hour long (at times very bumpy and smelly) drive out to the genocide memorial at Choeung Ek, one of the 'killing fields'. Because we were early we were there before the crowds and the audio tour meant very little talking as we walked around the now peaceful site and read and heard about the horrors that happened there in such a short period in the mid 70's. The tress and flowers and birdsong belies the reality of the pits and the graves, the cruelty and the torture.

After Choeung Ek it was back to Phnom Penh for the even grimmer Toul Sleng, the high school that was the torture centre for the Khmer Rouge when the emptied the city and killed anyone that they believed to be a traitor or educated or a professional. Our inhumanity to our own people. Why? And still it continues in other parts of the world. We left our red, good luck bracelets that we bought from the nun in Angkor Wat at the last altar in the school, beside the rows and rows of skulls. Peace.

It was a sombre, a not very good, lunch. The food matched the mood.

The afternoon was the Royal Palace where, because we both had sleeveless t-shirts on, we had to but $2 unflattering white t-shirts. J traded them later for 2 bottles of water! We needed the water as it was sweltering in the open courtyards, 38 degree heat with clear skies - real feel 40+??

It was a relief to get back to the hotel for a dip. There was a farewell party for an Aussie family going on and they kindly shared a beer with us.

The evening was a mini blipmeet, maybe a first for Cambodia with Sproutlover, or Rob to his friends. We met in restaurant on the Quay and had a great 3 hours hearing about his life experiences and sharing ours over a mocktail or two. Thanks, Rob, it was great meeting you and hearing about life in Cambodia.

We had planned an early night with another early flight tomorrow, but somehow that didn't happen. the remnants of the party were still going on when we got back to Circa 51 and despite the long and emotional day, I just couldn't sleep. C'est la vie.

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