The Wild Wild West

By Beedoesthis

Let the river run

Today was day 2 of kayaking. Or day four if you count the evening sessions. I can't feel much of my body as it aches so.

Today however, I did what I do best. I fell in the river. I tried to stop it, but my turn was a little sharp and I overbalanced. It felt somewhat slow-motion. And then I was in, upside down, secured to my boat. Everyone thought I acted all controlled and calm as I escaped, but that want the case in my head. We carried on, me damp, hardly sympathetic to others cries of coldness. After all, they were dry and cold. I was wet.

My little taste of river water didn't exclude me from the capsize bit of the assessment sadly. So I got cold, wet and had to swim against a current a second time.

I am sure with practice this is a fun sport folks!!!

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