The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The Harley Boys

As the Men in Black strode towards the refreshments tent, I overheard a remark from one that chilled me to the bone:

"Actually, I take soya milk in my coffee".

This shot was taken as they arrived, in formation, at my school's annual motor show, Wheel Nuts. If you look carefully, you can see the sensory playground behind them. Who knew the tough guys were secret soya milk drinkers?

I took hundreds of shots, mainly of cars, and the rain held off, mostly. CleanSteve and I pottered around admiring the shiny chrome and wheel trims, and reminiscing about Cortinas (me) and Wolseleys (him). I always had to sit in the boot of our family Cortina. It was bumpy. Imagine my delight when, in 1973, my mother bought a new car, a Fiat Microbus. Imagine my horror when I realised:

it was not a VW camper
The mustard/duck poo colour was there to stay
the smell of petrol inside the car was also there to stay! It was quite nauseating after filling up. Must check out lead poisoning sometimeHow did they get away with it?

All the pictures have not been looked at yet, as I am tired after a day of chores/socialising/ cooking. Friends dropped in this afternoon, and I'm trying to plan a trip to London next weekend. I offered up a spare box of cat pills on ebay the other day, and now someone in South Korea wants to buy them! You couldn't make it up.

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