Hover in the bath

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I'll have to explain the title - a hover-fly on our apple tree & the apple is called 'beauty of bath' & she is certainly beautiful! All the apple trees are blossoming now, or bursting into bloom, usually the last fruit trees to blossom but they stick around the longest it seems. So far, lots of blossom, so hopefully a good crop of apples this year this Autumn!


Lady of the leaf

Pilates this morning - ouch to the blooming *plank* - I don't need to do it, I don't see the point of it lol I'm happy with my gym & kettle bells, although I've talked myself into my first spinning session on Wednesday now, I must be mad! But I did 800 calories on the bike after Pilates. Exeter tomorrow, so no gym, will need to jog round the shops instead! ;) xxx

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