The Edge of the Estuary

We've had another dreadful storm go through Canterbury and Christchurch, with more widespread flooding in the suburbs. Some houses have been flooded 4 times in the last 2 months; absolutely terrible for the people involved. The large Flockton Basin area has dropped 0.5 a metre because of the earthquakes and so the area is flooding far more now. Apparently the flooding that used to happen in the 70s had been sorted, but it's not working any more. The powers-that-be have just got to help those poor people; I was in tears watching it on the news. My cellar floods every time now too, but it's minor in comparison.

I photographed this tree later this afternoon, after the rain had eased. It's always fascinated me; I love its lines. It's right on the edge of the Estuary by the Yacht Club, near the confluence of the Heathcote River. The colour of the estuary water is due to the rain and flooding.

Many thanks for the fabulous response to yesterday's Black & Gold Beach Morning. I was stunned by all the wonderful feedback, stars and hearts! What a kind bunch you all are!!!

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