An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Bending the light (and the truth)...

Whilst taking Lucy for her early morning constitutional around the garden, I noticed that a lake had appeared over night, where once there was just a veggie patch! I had to dash in and grab my camera to record the spectacle, sure that it would be gone by tomorrow morning.

Those of you who have followed my journal for a long time will know that the only sunrises I ever photograph are from my garden and there's only so many times anyone wants to see a sunrise over the same trees and hills (so I haven't done one for a long time). But this mornings was such a cracker, I just had to do it (with a twist) and these colours have not been saturated at all!


Unfortunately the heavy and constant rain this afternoon means that the partial solar eclipse was a complete wash out. At least we did get to see the lunar eclipse a couple of weeks ago.

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