Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Mute Flute

My flute is a little ummmm...hoarse.
It won't play anything lower than a G and with our first gig just over a week away, I need to get it sorted Tout de suite!! Or even toot de suite (before anyone else says it).
A very useful rehearsal this morning, even if I did have to play all the low notes an octave higher than they should be.

A trip to Saffron Walden with mother followed-thankfully GMTV had vacated the market square by the time we got there. I did a little bit of album hunting for David in the many charity shops but started to feel like I need a good scrub so left with 3 quite mediocre LP's. Hoping the sleeve face/body craze passes soon :)

Many children for dinner so I had an ENORMOUS Ocado delivery this afternoon. That should keep them going for a little while...

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