Salad's Off

For the second night running, "salad, samosas and kebabs" has been vetoed due to the nasty wet weather here. Last night home made mushroom soup and bread was the choice du jour and today, after a rummage in the freezer, I came up with fish chips and peas, totally processed and pre-packaged, and, ahem, just what the weather ordered. I'm glad to say that nasty old coleslaw didn't darken my plate. (Ok real, as opposed to faux americans, how on earth did you decide that coleslaw was THE side to have with fish and chips? Mind you the mushy pea is pretty unpleasant too). Ours was served with organic frozen peas instead. We also had a vinegar taste off between London Pub and don't say vinegar say Sarsons. Unsurprisingly they tasted the same! I know this blip is really boring, but it's rained here for 2 days so there's been no sign of the snake, and the other photo option today was a shelving error. By comparison, my dinner looks quite good ;)

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