Waiting For The Show

So, last night was show night - L's play "All We Have Are Massive Problems And Insurmountable Doubts" was performed as a script-in-hand work in progress. There was a decent audience who seemed to enjoy it, and an interesting Q&A discussion afterwards. And I received the acknowledgement of a cast pointing to the tech box for the first time in my life having done something new and run the tech, albeit a very simple sound and lighting script. This is H, who was very kindly helping out with front of house duties, before the house opened.
Earlier in the day I met up with a fashion design student from ECA to scope the location for a shoot we will be doing on Friday to photograph her degree designs. Looking forward to it and it was exciting just talking about ideas and things we can try on Friday. There is something great about working with other creative people on a collaborative project. Too often my photography is done on my own, or with just one other person - my subject. Fun to be part of a team.

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