Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

If there is music

If there is music, there is dance.

Gotta love this place, it just continues to surprise – on Wednesday in work, I had the start of an ear infection. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are holidays for Labour Day. The ear became much worse yesterday, doubly frustrating because it happened to be my good ear, the remaining ear only giving me some 10% hearing ability.

This morning (Friday), the ear was a lot better, drying out and although far from normal, still swollen and painful, but not so scary.

I received an SMS from one of my Chinese workmates; inquiring on the state of my ear and inviting me to a BBQ with his uncle and family. How thoughtful and generous is this young man. I decided to decline, as I just wasn’t feeling up to the rigours of communication.

My point is that Chinese people, like Indonesians, are in general, very friendly and considerate people and I am enjoying my stay here. There are some frustrations, but I won’t sully this positive blip report with those. I’ll deal with those another day.


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