Bracelet of Memories

I love this bracelet!
Mr K bought it for me for my fortieth birthday (did I mention my fortieth birthday at all?!!!) and it still makes me happy every time I see it.
Miss E bought me the suitcase, Mrs G - my lovely mother-in-law - bought me the camera, Mr K bought the swirly clip when we were in Stratford on our wedding anniversary, the lotus flower is from Mrs L, and there are hearts from Miss L and Mr K and a lovely jewelled one from my mum and one more swirly clip from Mr K and the Little Misses on Mother's Day.
So many memories and reminders of my lovely family.
Mr K and I had a lovely day today. After dropping the Little Misses off at school we carried on to John Lewis for breakfast.
Mr K had a gluttonous full English and I had a virtuous child's breakfast - egg, mushrooms, tomatoes and brown toast!
It's so nice being out with Mr K. He's quite lovely my husband!
After breakfast we bought the Little Misses a dress each - totally impractical for our camping trip tomorrow but very cute!
The we went to Go Outdoors and bought enough gear for a three month expedition into the Amazon a few essentials for our weekend in Snowdonia.
Home for a quick cup of tea before picking up Miss E for swimming. There were only three in the class today and she did so much better than last week. The smile didn't leave her face!!
We popped into Tescos on the way home for some things to cook on our new camping stove. Naturally we bumped into Mrs A - who bizarrely I saw on TV earlier in an advert! Mr K thought I'd gone mad pointing at the TV and shouting "Oh my God" repeatedly!!
I need to get out more.
And stop watching daytime TV with adverts on featuring people I know!!

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