A Felis Catus, Homo Sapiens...

When it comes to household pets most people can be split into cat persons or dog persons. You may like both, but you will always have a slight preference towards one or t'other.

I most definitely err to the side of a cat person. I don't mind dogs. I don't mind most dogs but all variables equal, it's a cat everytime.

You may not like cats but you would have to respect someone who makes a more or less effective full time occupation of the caring and re-homing of cats that are stray, abandoned, too much work or just plain exess to requirement and all on a complete voluntary basis.

TFP Mum is one of these persons. Around the time she retired, she has taken on the responsibility of managing the Cat Protection Shelter in Fishcross near Alloa where they take in cats that fit the above description, get them medical treatment and neutering if required and check the suitability of adopters for re-homing. All for nowt more than the love the animals.

Now I've always thought that the inner workings of a volunteer run cat re-homing shelter and it's guests could be very interesting but inspite of TFP Mum's consistent lurking, occasional commenting via e-mail, she's hasn't as yet taken the plunge and joined this wee band of merry journalers. She has suggested in the past that she might like to give it a try but seeing as she got a spiffing wee Lumix for her chrimbo the other day, I think it would be a brilliant time to rey it out.

TFP Mum, if you want to let me know the name of these two, I'll update it with the info.

[TFP Mum Update Edit]
On the left we have Felix (a very apt name considering the colouring(a cartoon cat in a cat food commercial here in the UK)) and TC (Top Cat) on right. Both are 4 month old males. Felix has an adopter, TC will have in the next couple of weeks.

TFP Mum manages the the shelter along with Donna and the help of 70 odd other volunteers.

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