Jones Journal

By MeeshJ


Meet Lucky the Ring tailed Lemur, adopted at the zoo for H's birthday. How can you tell one lemur from another? We asked the keeper, who pointed out Lucky's damaged ear, so we can recognise him again. We also recognised Sid from the adoption list, as half his tail is missing. Unfortunately for H, Lemur Wood has a new shed, and they haven't put the plaque back up yet with the adoption list, so she couldn't see her name, another trip at half term I think. We also got to see the twins born in November, Nelly and Kelly, they were busy chasing each other and play fighting in their enclosure. Many of them were sunbathing with there arms outstretched to feel the sun on their belly, when they're cold they all huddle together for warmth in what's called a 'Lemur ball' I bet that's fun to see.

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