Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Its only Natural

Two periods of stressful Arabic for non native English speakers and there's definitely a need to get the balance back!

The library!

That does it nicely and the wee lad just wanted to do what the other three ESL children......(that have succinctly attatched themselves to us) were busy doing.......reading adventure stories!

Its definitely a challenge for Albert's limited sight but he so wanted to read....and that's what we did.....and discussed the story too! Scary stuff......but he chose it himself and very very very very slowly made his way through, letter by letter, building word by word and sentence by sentence, letting it permeate his neural pathways hard disc until then cames that light bulb moment of understanding the story line.........

"Miss Geraldine, my father give me fast car too when I 16 to drive"

Sometimes my heart aches for him and the bridges he'll have to cross that I never have!

Was good to meet old friends and savour an evening of good food and good memories


Happy Blipping Everyone

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