South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

I give up!

I have edited this photo, taken with my iPad, umpteen times to crop out the shadowy area and the Blipfoto app won't recognise the cropped version. It's either a fault with the iPad or the app - I don't know which, but I give up! It will just have to go on in its original form.

Hubby and I went into town today to choose some perfume for my birthday. I found a lovely one and then wandered off while he decided on which price one he wanted to buy me! He and Paul went in the other day to choose one as a surprise and found it all too confusing! I also picked up a couple of things for Paul's upcoming birthday. And bought a new pair of light coloured lace-up shoes from Hotter - nice wide ones that don't press on the sides of my foot. And we got the car washed, so a useful time. Didn't take any photos, though, despite carting my camera around, so a shot from the garden instead! :-)

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